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"Prevention is better than cure" is an adage of leading a healthy life. Since young stroke is a rising concern, stroke prevention is important for all ages through healthy lifestyle and dietary habits.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Department of Medicine of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. In the celebration of “Safeguarding Human Health for a Century and Beyond”, HKUMed and HiEggo are producing four episodes to discuss the importance of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of different conditions. In the second episode, Dr Gary Lau Kui-kai, Clinical Associate Professor of HKU Neurology, as well as Director of HKU Stroke focused on explaining the causes, symptoms and treatments of stroke, as well as management of stroke through favourable lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet. Dr Lau also addressed some of the concerns about stroke raised by the online audiences.

💜Watch the second episode of HKUMed-HiEggo via the link below:

💜Listen to the HKU Department of Medicine Centenary Song:

💜To learn more about stroke, please visit the HKU Stroke website and stay tuned to the latest news and events:

💜For more diet tips and recipes to prevent stroke and other diseases:

💚To manage stroke risk and gather support by using the "WeRISE" App:


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