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News & Events

Let’s celebrate 25+Years Anniversary of Hong Kong Stroke Association
We truly appreciate the Hong Kong Stroke Association’s (HKSA) continuous effort in empowering stroke patients and their caregivers which...

Warfarin & Nutritional Supplements and Chinese Herbal Medications
Excessive consumption of vitamin K will reduce the efficacy of warfarin. Those who take warfarin should pay special attention to the...

💚Mindful & healthy recipes🥗| Low Fat Cheese and Fresh Fruit Ice Pops🫐🍊🥝
In addition to paying attention to healthy diet, we should also put emphasis on mental wellbeing. By following healthy recipes shared on...

💚Mindful & healthy recipes🥗| Air fried salmon with asparagus sticks 🐟🍟
In what way can we cook a meal that's nutritious, delicious, and mood-boosting? The traditional fish and chips are deep-fried at high...

🤔Can we improve our emotional health through diet? 🥗💚PART II
In the last short video, we discussed the reason for feeling happy after eating sugary foods, and the risk of health associated with...

🤔Can we improve our emotional health through diet? 🥗💚PART I
Why do we think of sugary foods like candy 🍭, ice cream 🍨, pearl milk tea 🧋 whenever we feel down? Why do we feel happy after eating...

Mediterranean Diet | Dietary Tips for Stroke Prevention
Hypertension is a leading cause of stroke and cardiovascular disease. To better control blood pressure levels as well as prevent stroke,...

Stroke & Dysphagia Support
Dysphagia affects most stroke survivors. Doctors and speech therapists generally suggest stroke patients with swallowing difficulties...

Community support for stroke & Healthy diet for stroke prevention- Mediterranean diet
HKU Stroke has been working alongside HKSA to promote the importance of stroke prevention. It has been an honour to publish several...

Dietary tips for stroke prevention | Are healthy food unappetizing?
As mentioned in the previous two episodes, a high-sodium (salt) diet is often one of the leading causes of high blood pressure, which...

Dietary tips for stroke prevention | How to read nutrition labels
When it comes to stroke prevention, low sodium intake plays a crucial role. One of the methods is to pay attention to the sodium content...

Dietary Tips for Stroke Prevention | How to lower salt consumption in diet?
A recent research of HKU Stroke shows that stroke is prevailing amongst young adult. It also shows that high sodium (salt) diet is...

Dietary Tips for Management of “bad” LDL cholesterol
Many studies showed that cardiovascular diseases and stroke are prevailing amongsts young adults. It is believed that unhealthy lifestyle...

Preventing high blood pressure and stroke through reducing salt intake
High blood pressure is the most important modifiable risk factor of stroke, and a diet high in salt is directly correlated with high...

Online Talk on Healthy Tips for Stroke Prevention
The online talk on healthy tips for stroke prevention has been held successfully on 29th Aug! A video of the talk by Ms. Marlie Tin Wai...

Preventing high blood pressure and stroke through reducing salt intake
High blood pressure is the most important modifiable risk factor of stroke, and a diet high in salt is directly correlated with high...

Healthy Diet for Stroke Prevention | Online Talk
The talk on “Healthy Diet for Stroke Prevention” held by the Hong Kong Stroke Association and HKU Stroke has successfully concluded!...

HKU researchers uncover evidence garlic is good for your blood vessels
November 12th, 2013, HKU researchers uncover evidence that garlic is good for your blood vessels Media coverage - South China Morning...
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